What's a squishy you ask? A Squishy is the descendent of the stress ball and they are aggressively cute. With their pillow like, soft-rising textures and their Kawaii features, don’t be surprised when you’re convinced of their adorable nature and you start your own squishy collection!
The squishy is a super soft foam toy that is designed to be squeezed, held and squeezed some more! They come in a different characters and shapes, from cute animals to realistic looking food squishes, some are even infused with sweet scents!
Squishies are a fresh burst of colour and there is something immensely satisfying about the texture of a squishy. Controversially, the most important feature of a squishy is its texture and rising quality! Squishies can be slow rising or fast rising, extremely soft or made of more dense materials. Most importantly, people love watching squishies that have a “slow rise”, which means that once squeezed they take a longer time to return to their original form! So satisfying!
There are some amazing benefits to squishes! Do you know that squishies can relieve stress? Because they are designed to be held and squeezed, they provide a soothing sensation when squeezed and its relaxing to see them slowly go back to their form.
Squishies can also improve your productivity, try squeezing squishies while working or studying! They can improve your overall focus and boost productivity levels. So, they’re useful and they’re cute!
A squishy in your bag at school or at work can help you cope with stress and improve your positivity. So, the next time you're feeling a bit stressed try squeezing a squishy!
Chill out with a Squishy companion!